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Lexington in the field of solar power investment

About Lexington Holdings

Lexington Holdings is a multi-sectoral conglomerate operating in various fields, including trade, agriculture, healthcare, investment, and real estate. With its strategic vision and professional team, Lexington Holdings has achieved many successes throughout its operation.

Solar Investment Sector

Currently, Lexington Holdings is focusing on developing the solar investment sector, aiming to contribute to sustainable environmental development and meet the increasing energy demand of society.

Benefits of Solar Investment

  • Save electricity costs: Solar energy is a renewable, free, and endless source of energy. Therefore, investing in solar energy will help businesses save significant electricity costs in the long run.
  • Reduce environmental pollution: Solar energy is a clean energy source that does not emit harmful emissions, contributing to environmental protection and public health.
  • Increase real estate value: Properties that use solar energy often have higher values than other conventional properties.
  • Benefit from government incentives: The Vietnamese government is implementing many preferential policies for businesses investing in solar energy, including corporate income tax exemption, reduced electricity purchase prices into the national grid, etc.

Lexington Holdings’ Commitment

With its experience and reputation in the investment field, Lexington Holdings is committed to providing customers with the most efficient, cost-effective, and safe solar solutions.